Our Undergraduate (UG) program focuses specifically on diverse and disadvantaged undergraduate students, i.e., predominantly underrepresented minorities (Hispanic, Native American, African-American, Alaskan/Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders) as well as disabled students who come from financially/educationally/socially disadvantaged backgrounds according to the federal definition and official University designation. We recruit undergraduates predominantly from the pool of diverse alumni of our NIH-disadvantaged high school student researcher programs who have successfully completed at least one summer of research in our Summer Institute on Medical Ignorance (SIMI). Basic and clinical research emphasis areas are cardiovascular, respiratory and cell-based sciences as well as neurosciences and pediatrics.
The NIH Undergraduate Student Research Program offers full-time positions in productive basic and clinical research laboratories at the University of Arizona College of Medicine (Arizona Health Sciences Center). Students who are financially, educationally, and/or socially disadvantaged and diverse are paid >$10/hr for 35 hours a week for the duration of the program. As in previous years, participants will have stimulating interactions with "big brother" and "big sister" medical students and also with medical faculty mentors and Visiting Professors conducting bi-weekly research seminars throughout the summer. Our hope and expectation is to attract the best and brightest disadvantaged students to the University of Arizona where some will continue their research and ultimately enter the College of Medicine and other professional and graduate programs. Preference will be given to graduates of our Summer Institute on Medical Ignorance.
The Review Committee will consider students with 3.0 (B) or better cumulative GPAs, an outstanding letter of recommendation from a science teacher, research mentor, and/or guidance counselor. A required one-to-two-page essay on "What is the most important thing that you discovered you did not know in your last research experience and why was it important?" should be attached to the enclosed application form. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or have a permanent Visa AND have a Social Security Number.
At the conclusion of the summer, all participants will deliver a brief oral presentation about their research in a special seminar and will submit a three-to-four page summary report of their progress.
For more information and application contact Grace Wagner.