Esther M. Sternberg, MD

Director, Research - Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine
Professor, Medicine
Professor, Psychology 
Professor, BIO5 Institute 
Professor, Nutritional Sciences and Wellness
  • McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (M.D.C.M.)
  • McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (B.S. Great Distinction)
Honors and Awards: 
Keynote Speaker -Healing Spaces: Impact of the Built Environment on Health & Wellbeing, Building Health Forum, US Green Building Council Northern California, San Francisco, Fall 2014
Major Areas of Research Interest: 
The science of mind-body interaction in illness and healing and the role of the built and natural environment on health and wellbeing
Student Opportunities Through Research: 
1. Neural and Immune Biomarkers in Sweat. Development of methods to non-invasively measure stress, immune, and other biomarkers in sweat and correlation with clinical and physiological conditions.
a. Jia M, Belyavskaya E, Deuster P, Sternberg EM. Development of a sensitive    microarray immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of neuropeptide Y. Anal Chem. 2012 Aug:7;84(15):6508-14. PMID: 22881400.
b. Jia M, Chew WM, Feinstein Y, Skeath P, Sternberg EM. Quantification of cortisol in humans eccrine sweat by liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry. Analyst. 2016 Mar 21;141(6): 2053-60. PMCID: PMC5376102.
c. Runyon JR, Jia M, Goldstein MR, Skeath P, Abrell L, Chorover J, Sternberg EM. Dynamic Behavior of Cortisol and Cortisol Metabolites in Human Eccrine Sweat. International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management 2019;ISSN 2153-2648
2. Impact of the Built Environment on Health. Wearable and stationary health and environmental monitoring to measure the impact of the built environment on health and wellbeing and performance.
a. Thayer JF, Verkuil B, Brosschot JF, Kampschroer K, West A, Sterling C, Christie IC, Abernethy DR, Sollers JJ, Cizza G, Marques AH, Sternberg EM. Effects of the physical work environment on physiological measures of stress. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil. 2010 Aug;17(4):431-9. PMCID: PMC2917179.
b. Lindberg CM, Srinivasan K, Gilligan B, Razjouyan J, Lee H, Najafi B, Canada KJ, Mehl MR, Currim F, Ram S, Lunden MM, Heerwagen JH, Kampschroer K, Sternberg EM. Effects of office workstation type on physical activity and stress. Occup Environ Med. 2018 Oct;75:689-695. PMCID: PMC6166591.
c. Lee H, Razjouyan J, Nguyen H, Lindberg C, Srinivasan K, Gilligan B, Canada K, Sharafkhaneh A, Mehl M, Currim F, Ram S, Lunden M, Heerwagen J, Kampschroer K, Sternberg E, Najafi B “Sensor-Based Sleep Quality Index (SB-SQI): A New Metric to Examine the Association of Office Workstation Type on Stress and Sleep” Preprints 2018, DOI: 10.20944/preprints201808.0457.v1
d. Ghahramani A, Pantelic J, Lindberg C, Mehl M, Srinivasan K, Gilligan B, Arens E for the Wellbuilt for Wellbeing Project Team (2018) Learning occupants’ workplace interactions from wearable and stationary ambient sensing systems. Applied Energy. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2018.08.096
e. Razjouyan J, Lee H, Gilligan B, Lindberg C, Nguyen H, Canada K, Burton A, Sharafkhaneh A, Srinivasan K, Currim F, Ram S, Mehl MR, Goebel N, Lunden M, Bhangar S, Heerwagen J, Kampschroer K, Sternberg EM, Najafi B. “Wellbuilt for Wellbeing: Controlling Relative Humidity in the Workplace Matters for Our Health” Indoor Air 2019;DOI:10.1111/ina.12618.PMID:31663168
f. Ghahramani A, Pantelic J, Vannucci M, Pistore L, Liu S, Gilligan B, Alyasin S, Arens E, Kampshire K, Sternberg EM (2019) Personal CO2 bubble: Context-dependent variations and wearable sensors usability. Journal of Building Engineering, Volume 22:295-304 DOI:10.1016/j.jobe.2018.11.015
g. Pantelic J, Liu S, Pistore L, Licina D, Vannucci M, Sadrizadeh S, Ghahramani A, Gilligan B, Sternberg EM, Kampschroer K, Wellbuilt for Wellbeing Project Team, Schiavon S (2019) Personal CO2 cloud: laboratory measurements of metabolic CO2 inhalation zone concentration and dispersion in typical office desk setting J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol DOI: 10.1038/s41370-019-0179-5 PMID: 31636369
Sponsored Research Through MSRP: 
Christina Staroschak, (MSRP 2020): "(1) Investigation of Neuroimmune Biomarkers, (2) Understanding What Sweat as a Biofluid Can Tell Us about Health, and (3) Usefulness of Thermal Imaging for Health and Performance Monitoring"
Wednesday, September 9, 2020