Martin E. Weinand, MD
Professor, Neurosurgery

PO Box 245070
Building: Arizona Health Sciences Center (#201)
Room #: 4303G
Building: Arizona Health Sciences Center (#201)
Room #: 4303G
(520) 626-5003
- Saint Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Mo, 1984 (M.D.)
- University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, 1984-1985 (Internship, General Surgery)
- University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, 1985-1990 (Residency, Neurological Surgery)
- University of Tennessee School of Medicine, 1990-1991 (Fellowship in Epilepsy Surgery)
Honors and Awards:
- Phi Beta Kappa, Gamma of Georgia, Emory University, Atlanta 1979
- High Honors in Chemistry, Emory University 1980
- Congress of Neurological Surgeons Annual Resident Award 1988
- American Epilepsy Society Young Investigator Award 1993
Major Areas of Research Interest:
- Long-term ictal video/electrocorticographic monitoring with subdural strip electrodes in epilepsy
- Surface monitoring of cortical cerebral blood flow in epilepsy
- Syndrome of inappropriate anti-diuretic hormone secretion: A study of intravascular volume and serum anti-diuretic hormone in atrial naturetic peptide
Student Opportunities Through Research:
A student would be afforded the opportunity to participate in research related to the selection of candidates for epilepsy surgery using non-invasive imaging techniques (SPECT, PET, video/scalp EEG monitoring, neuropsychological testing), and invasive techniques (subdural strip electrode monitoring and surface cortical blood flow recording). The student would participate with the attending neurosurgeon in every aspect of decision-making for localization of epileptogenic foci in epilepsy surgery candidates. An emphasis is placed on the invasive ictal localization of epileptogenic foci with subdural strip electrode monitoring. In addition, the pathophysiology of regional cortical cerebral blood flow abnormalities during the interictal and ictal state is an active area of clinical research in which the student would be invited to participate.
Selected Publications:
Weinand ME, Farley C, Labiner D and Ahern G. Time from ictal subdural EEG seizure onset to clinical seizure onset: An electrocorticographic time factor associated with temporal lobe epileptogenicity Neurological research 2007 Jun 28 [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 17601365.
Valdivia JM, Dellon AL, Weinand ME, Maloney CT Jr. Surgical treatment of peripheral neuropathy: outcomes from 100 consecutive decompressions. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association. 95(5):451-4, 2005.
Cramer SC, Benson RR, Himes DM, Burra VC, Janowsky JS, Weinand ME, Brown JA, Lutsep HL. Use of functional MRI to guide decisions in a clinical stroke trial. Stroke. 36(5):e50-2, 2005.
Gonzalez-Portillo G, Rivero S, Ahern GL, Labiner DM, Weinand ME. Normalization of periictal bihemispheric cerebral perfusion in temporal lobe epilepsy. Pathophysiology. 11(1):31-34, 2004.
Labiner DM, Weinand ME, Brainerd CJ, Ahern GL, Herring AM, Melgar MA. Prognostic value of concordant seizure focus localizing data in the selection of temporal lobectomy candidates. Neurol Res. 24(8):747-55, 2002.
Sponsored Research Through MSRP:
Cathryn P. Cohen, (MSRP 1992): "Long term ictal cortical blood flow and electrocortico-graphic monitoring with subdural strip electrodes for selection of temporal lobectomy candidates."
Chiazo Amene, (MSRP 2004): "Statistical Analysis of Cerebral Blood Flow Changes in Epilesy."
Chad Farley, (MSRP 2004): "Subdural EEG Monitoring of the Bitemporal Effects of Vagus Nerve Stimulation."
Eric Coon, (MSRP 2006): "Time factors in temporal lobe epilepsy."
Minah Shin, (MSRP 2007): "The Relationship Between Non-Epileptic Cerebral Blood Flow and Temporal Lobe Epileptogenicity."
Mandana Behbahani, (MSRP 2011): "Interruption of Blood Brain Barrier as it Relates to Epilepsy"
Bradley Serack, (MSRP 2012): "Prognostic Value of Abnormal Phosphorylated Blood-Brain-Barrier Proteins in Temporal-Lobe Epilepsy"
Cassandra Murzl, (MSRP 2013): "Simultaneity within the Human Brain as Demonstrated by Bilateral Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Requires Imaginary Time Processing"
Christopher Vance, (MSRP 2018): "Leukocyte Expression of Zinc Finger Proteins as a Prognostic Indicator for Seizure-free Outcome Following Stereotactic Laser Amygdalohippocampotomy."
Advanced Research Distinction Track (RDT):
Abigail McCallum, (RDT Class of 2017): "Cortical Gene Expression and Seizure Frequency in Patients with Intractable Temporal Lobe Epilepsy"
Christopher Vance, (RDT Class of 2022): "Leukocyte Expression of Zinc Finger Proteins as a Prognostic Indicator for Seizure-free Outcome Following Stereotactic Laser Amygdalohippocampotomy"
NIH High School Student Research Program:
Alberto Anthony Ramirez, University High School, 1991, 1992
Oscar Ho, Amphitheater High School, 1993
Nicole Doten, Yuma High School, 1996
Elizabeth A. Shih, Dobson High School, 2002
Yashica M. Anderson, Sahuaro High School, 2004
Jacob DeWitt, Snowflake High School, 2005
Anna Paredes, Desert View High (Tucson, AZ) 2006
Ruth Chen, Corona del Sol High School, 2007
Heidi Ann Williamson, Canyon Del Oro High School, 2011
Breanna Turrentine, 2012, Palo Verde Magnet High School
Maria Valdez, Yuma High School, 2014