Alan J. Nighorn, PhD
(retired) Professor, Neuroscience
Associate - University Professor
Associate - University Professor

PO Box 210077
Building: Gould-Simpson (#77)
Room #: 000626
Building: Gould-Simpson (#77)
Room #: 000626
(520) 621-9720
- Baylor College of Medicine, 1993 (Ph.D.)
Major Areas of Research Interest:
- Molecular Biology
- Molecular Genetics
- Neurobiology
- Neurosc
Selected Publications:
Boyle M, Nighorn A, Thomas JB. Drosophila Eph receptor guides specific axon branches of mushroom body neurons. Development. 133(9):1845-54, 2006.
Mammen A, Simpson PJ, Nighorn A, Imanishi Y, Palczewski K, Ronnett GV, Moon C. Hippocalcin in the olfactory epithelium: a mediator of second messenger signaling. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 322(4):1131-9, 2004.
Collmann C, Carlsson MA, Hansson BS, Nighorn A. Odorant-evoked nitric oxide signals in the antennal lobe of Manduca sexta. J Neurosci. 24(27):6070-7, 2004.
Sponsored Research Through MSRP:
Shahan Fernando, (MSRP 2004): "Eph/Ephrin signalling in the development of insect ORNs."
Christine Pham, (MSRP 2009): "Eph-Ephrin Interactions in tAxonal Sorting of an Insect Primary Olfactory Pathway."