Myra L. Muramoto, MD, MPH
(retired) Professor Emerita, Family and Community Medicine
Associate - Research Professor
Associate - Research Professor

1450 N. Cherry Ave., Room 4334
P.O. Box 245052
Tucson AZ 85724-5052
P.O. Box 245052
Tucson AZ 85724-5052
Family Practice Clinic
707 N. Alvernon Way
Tucson 85711-1830
(520) 626-1090
Additional Contact Info:
Fax: 626-1080
- University of Arizona, 1981 (B.S., Nutritional Sciences)
- University of Arizona, 1985 (M.D.)
- University of Arizona, 1985-1987 (Residency, Family Practice)
- University of Arizona, 1999 (M.P.H., Epidemiology)
Major Areas of Research Interest:
Myra L. Muramoto, MD, MPH, UA associate professor of Family and Community Medicine and Public Health, is active in both research and medical education -- in addition to her work as a family physician. She has dedicated most of her career as an educator and researcher to substance-abuse education and treatment, with a particular focus on alcohol and tobacco use. As an educator, she has helped to develop national and international educational projects to train health care and human service providers in prevention, screening and treatment of alcohol and tobacco use disorders. Recently, she has begun to use innovative technology solutions to deliver education and training to health care, public health and other professional and non-professional audiences. Much of Dr. Muramoto's tobacco-cessation work has explored innovative ways to increase assistance for tobacco cessation at the community level, including low-income pregnant women, and Southwest Native Americans and Hispanic communities. More recently, she has turned her attention to addressing the global impacts of the tobacco epidemic in developing countries, including India and Indonesia, and as a consultant to the World Bank Group on community-based quit-smoking projects. Dr. Muramoto is a founding member of the American Academy of Pediatrics' Center for Child Health Research Tobacco Consortium and has served on the Emerging Science Advisory Panel for the American Legacy Foundation. In 2005, Dr. Muramoto was selected by the American Medical Women's Association (AMWA) as a "Local Legend [1]," an award given to women physicians who have demonstrated commitment, originality, innovation and creativity in the field of medicine.
Selected Publications:
Campbell J, Mays MZ, Yuan NP, Muramoto ML. Who Are Health Influencers? Characterizing a Sample of Tobacco Cessation Interveners. Am J Health Behav. 31(2):181-192, 2007.
Lando HA, Borrelli B, Muramoto ML, Ward KD. Perspectives on the role of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco in promoting global tobacco research and reducing tobacco harm. Nicotine Tob Res. 8(6):761-5, 2006.
Mohan S, Pradeepkumar AS, Thresia CU, Thankappan KR, Poston WS, Haddock CK, Pinkston MM, Muramoto ML, Nichter M, Nichter M, Lando HA. Tobacco use among medical professionals in Kerala, India: the need for enhanced tobacco cessation and control efforts.
Addict Behav. 31(12):2313-8, 2006.
Addict Behav. 31(12):2313-8, 2006.
Leischow SJ, Ranger-Moore J, Muramoto ML, Matthews E. Effectiveness of the nicotine inhaler for smoking cessation in an OTC setting. Am J Health Behav. 28(4):291-301, 2004.
Muramoto ML. Ranger-Moore J. Leischow SJ. Efficacy of oral transmucosal nicotine lozenge for suppression of withdrawal symptoms in smoking abstinence. Nicotine & Tobacco Research. 5(2):223-30, 2003.
Muramoto ML. Connolly T. Strayer LJ. Ranger-Moore J. Blatt W. Leischow R. Leischow S. Tobacco cessation skills certification in Arizona: application of a state wide, community based model for diffusion of evidence based practice guidelines. Tobacco Control. 9(4):408-14, 2000.
Sponsored Research Through MSRP:
Tae Kim, (MSRP 2002): "Buproprion treatment for smoking cessation."
A. Serge Hougier, (MSRP 2003): "Mapping the natural history of smoking cessation among pregnant women."
Leslie Zuniga, (MSRP 2009): "Evaluation of the Implementation and Effectiveness of Web-based Multimedia Health E-Learning Programs on Medicaid Manafer Care Enrollees."
Advanced Research Distinction Track (RDT):
Eric Hamm, (RDT Class of 2014): "The Effect of Smoking Status of Lay Health Influencers, Their Training Method, and Their Delivery of Tobacco Cessation Brief Interventions: A Community Based Analysis"
NIH High School Student Research Program:
Ana Egurrola, University High School, 2005