Terry Onichi Matsunaga, PharmD, PhD
Research Professor
Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Adjunct Instructor
(retired) Professor, Medical Imaging
(retired) Professor, Medical Imaging

PO Box 245067
Building: AHSC (#5067)
Room #: 1343
Building: AHSC (#5067)
Room #: 1343
(520) 626-6689
- University of California, Berkeley, 1975 (A.B., Biochemistry)
- University of California, San Francisco, 1980 (Pharm. D., Pharmacy)
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1981 (Residency Certificate, Clinical Pharmacy)
- University of California, San Francisco, 1987 (Ph.D., Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
- University of Arizona, 1989 (Post-Doctoral Fellow, Chemistry)
Honors and Awards:
- Excellence in Biotechnology Award for Outstanding Achievement in Drug Delivery. Genetic Engineering News. 2004
- American Chemical Society Rocky Mountain Regional Industrial Innovation Award. 2006
- Louis J. Kettel Faculty Mentor Award in Basic Sciences. University of Arizona 2011
Major Areas of Research Interest:
Dr. Matsunaga’s laboratory develops ultrasound contrast agents for imaging and novel delivery systems for drug and gene therapy. Dr. Matsunaga has worked along side Dr. Evan Unger, the principal architect, at ImaRx Pharmaceutical Corp. to invent and develop the lipid-coated vascular microbubble agent, Definity® , an FDA-approved echocardiographic contrast agent.
In addition, over the past five years, Dr. Matsunaga focused his attention upon the use of ultrasound-mediated bubble cavitation for dispersion of vascular thrombi. His research interests lie in the area of ultrasound contrast agents and novel drug delivery systems for drug and gene delivery. Dr. Matsunaga regularly sits on grant review study sections for various programs in the NIH (i.e. NIDA, RAID, SBIR, and STTR) and the Department of Defense (Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer programs).
Selected Publications:
Tsutsui JM, Xie F, Lof J, Matsunaga TO, Unger EC, Porter TR. Diagnostic Ultrasound-Guided Treatment of Acute Intravascular Thrombi with Therapeutic Ultrasound and Intravenous Microbubbles. Circulation. 110: III-509, 2004.
Johnson JLH, Allen MC, Worah DM, Matsunaga TO, Unger EC. Stability of MRX-850: A formulation for Intravenous Oxygen Delivery. The 9th Annual Force Health Protection Conference. Albuquerque, NM. 2006.
Johnson JLH, Allen MC, Worah DM, Matsunaga TO, Unger EC. Stability of MRX-850: A formulation for Intravenous Oxygen Delivery. AAPS Annual Convention. San Antonio, TX. 2006.
Johnson JLH, Allen MC, Matsunaga TO. Intravenous Oxygen Delivery with Perfluorocarbon Emulsions. Oral/Poster Presentation. ACS Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting. Tucson, AZ. 2006.
Culp WC, Brown AT, Hennings L, Lowrey J, Culp BC, Erdem E, Roberson PC, Matsunaga TO. Safety of Miecrobubbles and Transcranial Ultrasound in Rabbits. 6th International Symposium on Ultrasound Therapeutics. American Institute of Physics. 911, 542-546, 2007.
Sponsored Research Through MSRP:
Kara Samsel, (MSRP 2011): "Microbubble-Mediated Gene Therapy in Connexin 37 Knockout Organisms"
Danny Robles, (MSRP 2017): "In Vivo Extravasation of Ultrasound Induced Phase-Changing Contrast Agents"
Daniella Boros, (MSRP 2018): "Development of a Size-Selective Phase-Change Contrast Agent via a Condensation Using a Definity™-Like Microbubble Platform."
NIH Undergraduate Diversity Program:
Lizbeth Alvarez, 2011, 2012 "Nanobubbles and Phase Change Nanoparticles for Extravascular Imaging"
Kaylyn Jones, 2013, "Formulation and Sizing of Sub-Micron Condensed-Bubbles for Extravasation outside the Vascular System"
Danny Robles, 2014, "Exploring the Potential for Imaging and Therapy with Phase Change Contrast Agents (PCCAs)"
Marlyn Alvarado, 2015; "Microbubbles and pancreatic cancer"
Pedro Alcaraz, 2017; "Targeting pancreatic cancer tissue using plectin-receptor targeted microbubbles and Triple Harmonic Generation Multiphoton Microscopy", 2018; "Layer By Layer Assembly; Manufacturing Stable Nanodroplets.""
Katha Patel, 2017; "Targeting pancreatic cancer tissue using plectin-receptor targeted microbubbles and Triple Harmonic Generation Multiphoton Microscopy"
Anthony German Martinez, 2020; "Using phase changing contrast agents to enhance ultrasound imaging"
NIH High School Student Research Program:
Souksavanh Keovorabouth, Desert Ridge High School, 2012
Julia Sumouske, Pueblo Centennial High School, 2013
Hely Rodriguez Cruz, Bioscience High School, 2014
Leslie Edwards, University High School, 2015
Areli Diaz, Rio Rico High School, 2016
Phuong-Trinh Dao, Tucson Magnet High School, 2017
Daniela de Jesus Torres, Douglas High School (Douglas, AZ), 2018, 2019, 2020
Kamal Mohd Rizal, Flowing Wells High School, 2024