L. Daniel Latt, MD, PhD
Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Associate Professor, Orthopedic Surgery
Associate Professor, Orthopedic Surgery
Associate Professor, BIO5 Institute

PO Box 245064
Building: Arizona Health Sciences Center (#201)
Room #: 8401
Building: Arizona Health Sciences Center (#201)
Room #: 8401
(520) 626-4024
- McGill University; Montreal, Quebec; Canada. Sept 1987 - May 1990 (Undergraduate, Major in Mechanical Engineering)
- University of California San Diego; La Jolla, California. Sept 1990 - June 1992 (B.S., Mechanical Engineering)
- University of Pittsburgh School of Engineering; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania May 1994 - Aug 2001 (Post-Graduate, Ph.D., Bioengineering)
- Aalborg University, Institute of Mechanical Engineering; Aalborg, Denmark, May 2000 - Jul 2000 (Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Experimental validation of the min/max muscle recruitment model in cycling)
- University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine; Pennsylvania,Aug 1992 - May 2002 (M.D.)
- University of California San Francisco; California June 2002 - June 2003 (Internship, General Surgery)
- McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Jul 2003 - June 2007 (Residency, Orthopaedic Surgery)
- Kaiser Permanente San Diego; El Cajon, California, Aug 2007- Jul 2008 Fellowship, Sports Medicine)
- Duke University Medical Center. Durham, North Carolina, Aug 2008-Jul 2009 Fellowship, Foot & Ankle)
Honors and Awards:
- Faculty Member, Graduate Interdisciplinary Program in Biomechanical Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona Oct 2010
- RSNA Cum Laude Award, Taljanovic M, Alcala JN, Gimber LH, Rieke JD, Chilvers MM, Latt LD. High-Resolution Ultrasonography and MR Imaging and Management of Peroneal Tendon Injuries. Educational Exhibit. Radiologic Society of North America 98th Annual Meeting, November 25-30, 2012, Chicago, Illinois. Nov 2012
- SSR Excellence Award Scalcione LR, Gimber LH, Latt LD, Chilvers M, Taljanovic MS. Hallux valgus: spectrum of imaging, surgical procedures, and complications. Poster Presentation. 2013 Annual Meeting of the Society of Skeletal Radiology (SSR), March 17-20, 2013, San Antonio, Texas.
- Runner-Up for Best Presentation Liang G, Yuan JS, Heden G, Szivek J, Taljanovic M, Latt LD, Russell S. Witte. Ultrasound elastography can be used to measure the stiffness of the posterior tibial tendon in vivo. Duke Foot & Ankle Society Meeting, May 25-16, 2013, Durham, North Carolina. Mar 2013
- American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society Roger A. Mann Award for Best Clinical Paper Multi-Center Prospective Comparison of PROMIS Physical Function CAT to Traditional Instruments for Foot and Ankle Disorders. Hunt KJ, Alexander I, Baumhauer JF, Brodsky JW, Daniels TR, Davis WH, Deland JT, Ellis SJ, Hung M, Ishikawa SN, Latt LD, Phistikul P, Saltzman CL, SooHoo NF. 2014. Sept 23, 2014. Paper Presentation at The American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society (AOFAS) Annual Meeting. Sept 21-23, 2014, Chicago, Illinois. Sept 2014
- American Heart Association 2014 Stroke Article of the Year Award Taylor-Piliae RE, Hoke TM, Hepworth JT, Latt LD, Najafi B, Coull BM (2014) Effect of Tai Chi on Physical Function, Fall Rates and Quality of Life Among Older Stroke Survivors. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2014 May; 95(5): 816-824. Nov 2014
Major Areas of Research Interest:
- Athletic injuries of the shoulder, knee, ankle and foot
- Complex lower extremity reconstruction and realignment, cartilage injuries, patellofemoral disorders and arthroscopy of the ankle, knee and shoulder
- Special interest in the treatment of ankle arthritis using total ankle replacement.
Selected Publications:
Textbook Chapters
1. Latt LD, Raiszadeh K, Fithian DC. Chapter 11: Patellofemoral Joint Injuries. Orthopaedic Knowledge Update: Sports Medicine 4. W. Ben Kibler, MD, Editor. Feb 2009, Pages 119-134.
2. DeOrio JK, Latt LD. Complications of Total Ankle Arthroplasty. The Atlas of Ankle Replacement Cooke P and Goldberg A Editors. London, UK: Imperial College Press. In Press.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
1. * Ardic FN, Latt LD, Redfern MS. Paraspinal muscle response to electrical vestibular stimulation. Acta Otolaryngol. 2000;120:39-46.
2. * Smiley-Oyen AL, Cheng HY, Latt LD, Redfern MS. Adaptation of vibration-induced postural sway in individuals with Parkinson's disease. Gait & Posture. 2002;16:188-197.
3. * Latt LD, Sparto PJ, Furman JM, Redfern MS. The steady-state postural response to continuous sinusoidal galvanic vestibular stimulation. Gait & Posture. 2003;18:64-72.
4. * Latt LD, Turcotte RE, et al. Case Series: Soft-tissue sarcoma of the foot. Can J Surg 2010;53(6):424-431.
5. Easley ME, Latt LD, Santangelo JR, Merian-Genast M, Nunley JA, 2nd. Osteochondral lesions of the talus. J Am Acad Orthop. 2010;18:616-630.
6. Allen K D, Adams Jr SB, Mata BA, Shamji MF, Gouze E, Jing L, Nettles DL, Latt LD and Setton LA. Gait and behavior in an IL1beta-mediated model of rat knee arthritis and effects of an IL1 antagonist. J Orthop Res 2011;29(5):694-703.
7. Latt LD, Glisson RR, Montijo HE, Usuelli FG, Easley ME. Effect of Graft Height Mismatch on Contact Pressures with Osteochondral Grafting of the Talus. Am J Sports Med. 2011;39(12):2662-2669.
8. Taylor-Piliae RE, Latt LD, Hepworth JT, Coull BM. Predictors of gait velocity among community dwelling stroke survivors. Gait and Posture. 2012; 35(3): 395-399.
9. Hung M, Baumhauer JF, Latt LD, Saltzman CL, Soohoo NF, Hunt KJ; National Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Outcomes Research Network. Validation of PROMIS® Physical Function Computerized Adaptive Tests for Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Outcome Research. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2013;471(11):3466-3474.
10. Csintalan RP, Latt LD, Fornalski S, Raiszadeh K, Inacio MC, Fithian DC. Medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) reconstruction for the treatment of patellofemoral instability. J Knee Surg. 2014;27(2):139-146.
11. Hung M, Baumhauer JF, Brodsky JW, Cheng C, Ellis SJ, Franklin JD, Hon SD, Ishikawa SN, Latt LD, Phisitkul P, Saltzman CL, SooHoo NF, Hunt KJ, OFAR. Psychometric Comparison of the PROMIS Physical Function CAT With the FAAM and FFI for Measuring Patient-Reported Outcomes. Foot Ankle Int 2014; 35(6):592-599.
1. Latt LD, Raiszadeh K, Fithian DC. Chapter 11: Patellofemoral Joint Injuries. Orthopaedic Knowledge Update: Sports Medicine 4. W. Ben Kibler, MD, Editor. Feb 2009, Pages 119-134.
2. DeOrio JK, Latt LD. Complications of Total Ankle Arthroplasty. The Atlas of Ankle Replacement Cooke P and Goldberg A Editors. London, UK: Imperial College Press. In Press.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
1. * Ardic FN, Latt LD, Redfern MS. Paraspinal muscle response to electrical vestibular stimulation. Acta Otolaryngol. 2000;120:39-46.
2. * Smiley-Oyen AL, Cheng HY, Latt LD, Redfern MS. Adaptation of vibration-induced postural sway in individuals with Parkinson's disease. Gait & Posture. 2002;16:188-197.
3. * Latt LD, Sparto PJ, Furman JM, Redfern MS. The steady-state postural response to continuous sinusoidal galvanic vestibular stimulation. Gait & Posture. 2003;18:64-72.
4. * Latt LD, Turcotte RE, et al. Case Series: Soft-tissue sarcoma of the foot. Can J Surg 2010;53(6):424-431.
5. Easley ME, Latt LD, Santangelo JR, Merian-Genast M, Nunley JA, 2nd. Osteochondral lesions of the talus. J Am Acad Orthop. 2010;18:616-630.
6. Allen K D, Adams Jr SB, Mata BA, Shamji MF, Gouze E, Jing L, Nettles DL, Latt LD and Setton LA. Gait and behavior in an IL1beta-mediated model of rat knee arthritis and effects of an IL1 antagonist. J Orthop Res 2011;29(5):694-703.
7. Latt LD, Glisson RR, Montijo HE, Usuelli FG, Easley ME. Effect of Graft Height Mismatch on Contact Pressures with Osteochondral Grafting of the Talus. Am J Sports Med. 2011;39(12):2662-2669.
8. Taylor-Piliae RE, Latt LD, Hepworth JT, Coull BM. Predictors of gait velocity among community dwelling stroke survivors. Gait and Posture. 2012; 35(3): 395-399.
9. Hung M, Baumhauer JF, Latt LD, Saltzman CL, Soohoo NF, Hunt KJ; National Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Outcomes Research Network. Validation of PROMIS® Physical Function Computerized Adaptive Tests for Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Outcome Research. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2013;471(11):3466-3474.
10. Csintalan RP, Latt LD, Fornalski S, Raiszadeh K, Inacio MC, Fithian DC. Medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) reconstruction for the treatment of patellofemoral instability. J Knee Surg. 2014;27(2):139-146.
11. Hung M, Baumhauer JF, Brodsky JW, Cheng C, Ellis SJ, Franklin JD, Hon SD, Ishikawa SN, Latt LD, Phisitkul P, Saltzman CL, SooHoo NF, Hunt KJ, OFAR. Psychometric Comparison of the PROMIS Physical Function CAT With the FAAM and FFI for Measuring Patient-Reported Outcomes. Foot Ankle Int 2014; 35(6):592-599.
12. Hunt KJ, Alexander I, Baumhauer J, Brodsky J, Chiodo C, Daniels T, Davis WH, Deland J, Ellis S, Hung M, Ishikawa SN, Latt LD, Phisitkul P, SooHoo NF, Yang A, Saltzman CL, OFAR. The Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Outcomes Research (OFAR) network: feasibility of a multicenter network for patient outcomes assessment in foot and ankle. Foot Ankle Int. 2014;35:847-854.
13. Latt LD, Christopher M, Nicolini A, Burk DR, Dezfuli B, Serack BJ, Fithian DC. A validated cadaveric model of trochlear dysplasia. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2014; 22(10):2357-63.
14. Latt LD, Ketz J, Pinzur MS Guest Editors. Recent Advances in Hindfoot Biomechanics. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. April 2014 virtual issue. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/ [1](ISSN)1554-27X/homepage/jor_virtual_issues.htm#15
15. Schannen AP, Goshima K, Latt LD, DeSilva GL. Simultaneous soft tissue coverage of both medial and lateral ankle wounds: Sural and rotational flap coverage after revision fixation in an infected diabetic ankle fracture. J Orthop. 2014;11(1):19-22.
16. Taylor-Piliae RE, Hoke TM, Hepworth JT, Latt LD, Najafi B, Coull BM. Effect of Tai Chi on physical function, fall rates and quality of life among older stroke survivors. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2014;95(5):816-824.
17. Miller L, Harris R, Latt LD. Chronic plantar fasciitis is mediated by local hemodynamics: implications for emerging therapies. N Am J Med Sci. 2015: 7(1): 1-5.
18. Taljanovic MS, Alcala JN, Gimber LH, Rieke JD, Chilvers MM, Latt LD. High-Resolution US and MR Imaging of Peroneal Tendon Injuries. Radiographics. 2015;35(1):179-199.
19. Gao L, Yuan JS, Heden GJ, Szivek JA, Taljanovic MS, Latt LD, Witte RS. Ultrasound elasticity imaging for determining the mechanical properties of human posterior tibial tendon: a cadaveric study. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2015;62(4):1179-1184.
20. Taljanovic MS, Melville DM, Klauser AS, Latt LD, Arif-Tiwari H, Gao L, Witte RS (2015) Advances in Lower Extremity Ultrasound. Current Radiology Reports. 2015;3(6):1-12
21. Latt LD, Glisson RR, Adams SB, Schuh R, Narron JA, Easley ME. Biomechanical Comparison of External Fixation and Compression Screws for Transverse Tarsal Joint Arthrodesis. Foot Ankle Int. 2015 doi:10.1177/1071100715589083.
13. Latt LD, Christopher M, Nicolini A, Burk DR, Dezfuli B, Serack BJ, Fithian DC. A validated cadaveric model of trochlear dysplasia. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2014; 22(10):2357-63.
14. Latt LD, Ketz J, Pinzur MS Guest Editors. Recent Advances in Hindfoot Biomechanics. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. April 2014 virtual issue. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/ [1](ISSN)1554-27X/homepage/jor_virtual_issues.htm#15
15. Schannen AP, Goshima K, Latt LD, DeSilva GL. Simultaneous soft tissue coverage of both medial and lateral ankle wounds: Sural and rotational flap coverage after revision fixation in an infected diabetic ankle fracture. J Orthop. 2014;11(1):19-22.
16. Taylor-Piliae RE, Hoke TM, Hepworth JT, Latt LD, Najafi B, Coull BM. Effect of Tai Chi on physical function, fall rates and quality of life among older stroke survivors. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2014;95(5):816-824.
17. Miller L, Harris R, Latt LD. Chronic plantar fasciitis is mediated by local hemodynamics: implications for emerging therapies. N Am J Med Sci. 2015: 7(1): 1-5.
18. Taljanovic MS, Alcala JN, Gimber LH, Rieke JD, Chilvers MM, Latt LD. High-Resolution US and MR Imaging of Peroneal Tendon Injuries. Radiographics. 2015;35(1):179-199.
19. Gao L, Yuan JS, Heden GJ, Szivek JA, Taljanovic MS, Latt LD, Witte RS. Ultrasound elasticity imaging for determining the mechanical properties of human posterior tibial tendon: a cadaveric study. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2015;62(4):1179-1184.
20. Taljanovic MS, Melville DM, Klauser AS, Latt LD, Arif-Tiwari H, Gao L, Witte RS (2015) Advances in Lower Extremity Ultrasound. Current Radiology Reports. 2015;3(6):1-12
21. Latt LD, Glisson RR, Adams SB, Schuh R, Narron JA, Easley ME. Biomechanical Comparison of External Fixation and Compression Screws for Transverse Tarsal Joint Arthrodesis. Foot Ankle Int. 2015 doi:10.1177/1071100715589083.
Non-Peer-Reviewed Articles
1. Monreal J, Valerdi R, Latt LD. A Systems Approach to Healthcare Efficiency Improvement. Procedia Computer Science. 2014;28:610-618.
1. Monreal J, Valerdi R, Latt LD. A Systems Approach to Healthcare Efficiency Improvement. Procedia Computer Science. 2014;28:610-618.
Work in Progress
Submitted Manuscripts
1. Latt LD, Smith K, Dupont, K. Revision Tibiotalocalcaneal Arthrodesis with a Pseudoelastic Intramedullary Nail. Manuscript ID FAS-2015-09-101 submitted to Foot and Ankle Specialist 9/13/2015.
Manuscripts in Preparation
1. Latt LD, Nicolini A, McIntosh M, Casey D. Ankle joint malrotation due to fracture or syndesmotic disruption leads to increased ankle joint contact pressures.
2. Christensen D, Tran M, Hearn J, Latt LD. Comparison of compression stocking to a novel foot compression device for the treatment of post-operative edema – a randomized controlled trial.
3. Ahmad A, Sepich D, Taljanovic M, Latt LD. Comparison of dynamic ultrasound and MRI to intraoperative findings in the detection of peroneal tendon tears, tendonitis and subluxation.
4. Nicolini A, Latt LD. A novel clamping system for use in realistic arthroscopic simulation.
5. Latt LD, Gao L, Guerra J, Klewer J, Taljanovic M, Witte R. The use of in vivo ultrasound elastography to differentiate healthy from diseased posterior tibial tendon.
6. Monreal J, Austin, E, Latt LD, Valerdi R. Identification of factors limiting medical clinic efficiency using discrete event simulation.
7. Muthukumar SRK, Austin E, Monreal J, Head L, Latt LD, Valerdi R. Discrete event simulation modeling of the impact of electronic health record implementation on physician workflow.
Submitted Abstracts
1. Taljanovic M, Latt LD, Witte R, Gao L. In vivo ultrasound tension elastography differentiates healthy from diseased posterior tibialis tendons. Reference #: 0691-000121. Submitted October 15, 2015. Pending acceptance for the 2016 Society of Skeletal Radiology (SSR) Annual Meeting.
Grants Pending
1. Patient Centered Outcome Research Institute (PCORI) Large Pragmatic Studies to Evaluate Patient-Centered Outcomes. Comparative Patient Impact of Venous Thromboembolic Disease Prophylaxis Following Foot & Ankle Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial - The PIVoTED Trial. Submitted July 2015 for 2016- 2020 funding. Role: Co-PI (7% Effort) $ 10M (Direct).
1. Easley, ME, Latt LD. Osteochondral Lesion of the Talus. The Athletes Ankle: An Interactive Multimedia Program. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery, October 2010 Steven L. Haddad, MD, Steven B. Weinfeld, MD, and J. Chris Coetzee, MD, Medical Editors.
Conferences / Scientific Presentations
International - Peer Reviewed
1. Latt LD, Gao L, Heden GJ, Houdek MT, Szivek JA, Taljanovic MS, Witte RS. Non-invasive quantification of posterior tibial tendon elasticity using ultrasound elastography. E-Poster. 4th Meeting of International Federation of Foot & Ankle Societies. Sept 21-24, 2011, Nara, Japan. (meeting held electronically)
2. Slayton, MH, Amodei RC, McNelly A, Latt LD. Intense therapy ultrasound for the treatment of chronic plantar fasciitis: Preliminary results of clinical study. Poster Presentation. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Aug 25-29, 2015, Milan, Italy.
National - Peer Reviewed
1. Gao L, Geffre C, Szivek J, Taljanovic MS, Latt LD, Witte RS. Ultrasound Elasticity Imaging of Human Posterior Tibial Tendon. Podium Presentation. International Conference on the Ultrasonic Measurement and Imaging of Tissue Elasticity 2010, October 16-19 2010, Snowbird, UT.
2. Raiszadeh K, Latt LD, Csintalan RP, Fithian DC, Fornalski S. Medial Patellofemoral Ligament (MPFL) Reconstruction- A Two to Six Year Follow-up. Poster Presentation. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, March 9-13, 2010, New Orleans, LA.
3. Gao L, Heden GJ, Szivek JA, MS Taljanovic, Latt LD, Witte RS. Ultrasound Elasticity Imaging of the Human Posterior Tibial Tendon. Podium Presentation. 2011 Joint Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine and the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists, August 2, 2011, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
4. Latt LD, Gao L, Heden GJ, Houdek MT, Szivek JA, MS Taljanovic, Witte RS. Non-invasive quantification of posterior tibial tendon elasticity using ultrasound elastography. E-Poster. American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society, July 13-16, 2011, Keystone, CO.
5. Taljanovic M, Alcala JN, Gimber LH, Rieke JD, Chilvers MM, Latt LD. High-Resolution Ultrasonography and MR Imaging and Management of Peroneal Tendon Injuries. Poster Presentation. Radiologic Society of North America, November 25-30, 2012, Chicago, IL.
6. Taylor-Piliae RE, Hepworth JT, Latt LD, Coull BM. Tai Chi and SilverSneakers® Interventions Improve Aerobic Endurance in Older Stroke Survivors. Poster Presentation. State-of-the-Science Stroke Nursing Symposium 2013 (International Stroke Conference 2013), February 6-8, 2013, Honolulu, HI.
7. Scalcione LR, Gimber LH, Latt LD, Chilvers M, Taljanovic MS. Hallux valgus: spectrum of imaging, surgical procedures, and complications. Poster Presentation. Society of Skeletal Radiology, March 17-20, 2013. San Antonio, TX.
8. Liang G, Yuan JS, Heden G, Szivek J, Taljanovic M, Latt LD, Russell S. Witte. Ultrasound elastography can be used to measure the stiffness of the posterior tibial tendon in vivo. Podium Presentation. Duke Foot & Ankle Society, May 25-16, 2013, Durham, NC.
9. Taylor-Piliae RE, Hoke TM, Hepworth JT, Latt LD, Najafi B, Coull BM. “Effects of Tai Chi on Physical Function and Quality of Life in Chronic Stroke.” Poster Presentation. American Heart Association’s Epidemiology and Prevention/Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism 2014, March 18-21, 2014, San Francisco, CA.
10. Monreal J, Valerdi R, Latt LD. A Systems Approach to Healthcare Efficiency Improvement. Podium Presentation. 2014 Conference on Systems Engineering Research, March 20-22, 2014, Redondo Beach, CA.
11. Latt LD, Monreal J, Smith K, Mertz J, Patterson J, Valerdi R, Head L. Impact of Electronic Medical Record Implementation on Orthopaedic Clinic Workflow. Poster Presentation. 2014 Combined Meeting of the American Orthopaedic Association and Canadian Orthopaedic Association, June 18-21 2014 Montreal, QC, Canada.
12. Gao L, Yuan JS, McGlone, S, Latt LD, Witte RS. In Vivo Ultrasound Elasticity Imaging on the Human Posterior Tibial Tendon. Podium Presentation. International Tissue Elasticity Conference, September 7-10, 2014, Snowbird, UT.
13. Latt LD, Gao L, Taljanovic M, Witte R. The use of in-vivo ultrasound elasticity imaging to improve treatment decision-making for posterior tibial tendon dysfunction. E-Poster. Combined meeting of the International Federation of Foot & Ankle Surgeons and American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society, September 19-23, 2014, Chicago, IL.
Submitted Manuscripts
1. Latt LD, Smith K, Dupont, K. Revision Tibiotalocalcaneal Arthrodesis with a Pseudoelastic Intramedullary Nail. Manuscript ID FAS-2015-09-101 submitted to Foot and Ankle Specialist 9/13/2015.
Manuscripts in Preparation
1. Latt LD, Nicolini A, McIntosh M, Casey D. Ankle joint malrotation due to fracture or syndesmotic disruption leads to increased ankle joint contact pressures.
2. Christensen D, Tran M, Hearn J, Latt LD. Comparison of compression stocking to a novel foot compression device for the treatment of post-operative edema – a randomized controlled trial.
3. Ahmad A, Sepich D, Taljanovic M, Latt LD. Comparison of dynamic ultrasound and MRI to intraoperative findings in the detection of peroneal tendon tears, tendonitis and subluxation.
4. Nicolini A, Latt LD. A novel clamping system for use in realistic arthroscopic simulation.
5. Latt LD, Gao L, Guerra J, Klewer J, Taljanovic M, Witte R. The use of in vivo ultrasound elastography to differentiate healthy from diseased posterior tibial tendon.
6. Monreal J, Austin, E, Latt LD, Valerdi R. Identification of factors limiting medical clinic efficiency using discrete event simulation.
7. Muthukumar SRK, Austin E, Monreal J, Head L, Latt LD, Valerdi R. Discrete event simulation modeling of the impact of electronic health record implementation on physician workflow.
Submitted Abstracts
1. Taljanovic M, Latt LD, Witte R, Gao L. In vivo ultrasound tension elastography differentiates healthy from diseased posterior tibialis tendons. Reference #: 0691-000121. Submitted October 15, 2015. Pending acceptance for the 2016 Society of Skeletal Radiology (SSR) Annual Meeting.
Grants Pending
1. Patient Centered Outcome Research Institute (PCORI) Large Pragmatic Studies to Evaluate Patient-Centered Outcomes. Comparative Patient Impact of Venous Thromboembolic Disease Prophylaxis Following Foot & Ankle Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial - The PIVoTED Trial. Submitted July 2015 for 2016- 2020 funding. Role: Co-PI (7% Effort) $ 10M (Direct).
1. Easley, ME, Latt LD. Osteochondral Lesion of the Talus. The Athletes Ankle: An Interactive Multimedia Program. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery, October 2010 Steven L. Haddad, MD, Steven B. Weinfeld, MD, and J. Chris Coetzee, MD, Medical Editors.
Conferences / Scientific Presentations
International - Peer Reviewed
1. Latt LD, Gao L, Heden GJ, Houdek MT, Szivek JA, Taljanovic MS, Witte RS. Non-invasive quantification of posterior tibial tendon elasticity using ultrasound elastography. E-Poster. 4th Meeting of International Federation of Foot & Ankle Societies. Sept 21-24, 2011, Nara, Japan. (meeting held electronically)
2. Slayton, MH, Amodei RC, McNelly A, Latt LD. Intense therapy ultrasound for the treatment of chronic plantar fasciitis: Preliminary results of clinical study. Poster Presentation. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Aug 25-29, 2015, Milan, Italy.
National - Peer Reviewed
1. Gao L, Geffre C, Szivek J, Taljanovic MS, Latt LD, Witte RS. Ultrasound Elasticity Imaging of Human Posterior Tibial Tendon. Podium Presentation. International Conference on the Ultrasonic Measurement and Imaging of Tissue Elasticity 2010, October 16-19 2010, Snowbird, UT.
2. Raiszadeh K, Latt LD, Csintalan RP, Fithian DC, Fornalski S. Medial Patellofemoral Ligament (MPFL) Reconstruction- A Two to Six Year Follow-up. Poster Presentation. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, March 9-13, 2010, New Orleans, LA.
3. Gao L, Heden GJ, Szivek JA, MS Taljanovic, Latt LD, Witte RS. Ultrasound Elasticity Imaging of the Human Posterior Tibial Tendon. Podium Presentation. 2011 Joint Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine and the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists, August 2, 2011, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
4. Latt LD, Gao L, Heden GJ, Houdek MT, Szivek JA, MS Taljanovic, Witte RS. Non-invasive quantification of posterior tibial tendon elasticity using ultrasound elastography. E-Poster. American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society, July 13-16, 2011, Keystone, CO.
5. Taljanovic M, Alcala JN, Gimber LH, Rieke JD, Chilvers MM, Latt LD. High-Resolution Ultrasonography and MR Imaging and Management of Peroneal Tendon Injuries. Poster Presentation. Radiologic Society of North America, November 25-30, 2012, Chicago, IL.
6. Taylor-Piliae RE, Hepworth JT, Latt LD, Coull BM. Tai Chi and SilverSneakers® Interventions Improve Aerobic Endurance in Older Stroke Survivors. Poster Presentation. State-of-the-Science Stroke Nursing Symposium 2013 (International Stroke Conference 2013), February 6-8, 2013, Honolulu, HI.
7. Scalcione LR, Gimber LH, Latt LD, Chilvers M, Taljanovic MS. Hallux valgus: spectrum of imaging, surgical procedures, and complications. Poster Presentation. Society of Skeletal Radiology, March 17-20, 2013. San Antonio, TX.
8. Liang G, Yuan JS, Heden G, Szivek J, Taljanovic M, Latt LD, Russell S. Witte. Ultrasound elastography can be used to measure the stiffness of the posterior tibial tendon in vivo. Podium Presentation. Duke Foot & Ankle Society, May 25-16, 2013, Durham, NC.
9. Taylor-Piliae RE, Hoke TM, Hepworth JT, Latt LD, Najafi B, Coull BM. “Effects of Tai Chi on Physical Function and Quality of Life in Chronic Stroke.” Poster Presentation. American Heart Association’s Epidemiology and Prevention/Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism 2014, March 18-21, 2014, San Francisco, CA.
10. Monreal J, Valerdi R, Latt LD. A Systems Approach to Healthcare Efficiency Improvement. Podium Presentation. 2014 Conference on Systems Engineering Research, March 20-22, 2014, Redondo Beach, CA.
11. Latt LD, Monreal J, Smith K, Mertz J, Patterson J, Valerdi R, Head L. Impact of Electronic Medical Record Implementation on Orthopaedic Clinic Workflow. Poster Presentation. 2014 Combined Meeting of the American Orthopaedic Association and Canadian Orthopaedic Association, June 18-21 2014 Montreal, QC, Canada.
12. Gao L, Yuan JS, McGlone, S, Latt LD, Witte RS. In Vivo Ultrasound Elasticity Imaging on the Human Posterior Tibial Tendon. Podium Presentation. International Tissue Elasticity Conference, September 7-10, 2014, Snowbird, UT.
13. Latt LD, Gao L, Taljanovic M, Witte R. The use of in-vivo ultrasound elasticity imaging to improve treatment decision-making for posterior tibial tendon dysfunction. E-Poster. Combined meeting of the International Federation of Foot & Ankle Surgeons and American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society, September 19-23, 2014, Chicago, IL.
14. Hung M, Baumhauer JF, Latt LD, Saltzman CL, Soohoo NF, Hunt KJ. Comparison of the PROMIS Physical Function CAT with the FFI and FAAM for Foot and Ankle Disorders. Podium Presentation. Annual meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, March 11-15, 2014, New Orleans, LA.
15. Latt LD. Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Outcomes Research and PROMIS. Podium Presentation. Orthopaedic Research Society, Orthopaedic Evidence and Outcomes Education Organization, March 14, 2014, New Orleans, LA.
16. Latt LD, Holman N, Amir N. Self-Reported Injuries and Treatments in Collegiate Dancers. E-Poster. Annual meeting of the American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society, July 15-18, 2015, Long Beach, CA.
17. McGlone S, Rabadam G, Grewal G, Najafi B, Latt LD. Comparison of Three Techniques for the Quantification of Hindfoot Alignment. E-Poster. Annual meeting of the American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society, July 15-18, 2015, Long Beach, CA.
18. Taljanovic MS, Melville D, Gimber LH, Latt LD, Becker GW, Klauser A. Shear Wave Elastography: Basic Physics and Musculoskeletal Applications. Accepted June 24, 2015 as an Educational Exhibit. Radiologic Society of North America 100th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 29 - December 4, 2015. Chicago, IL.
19. Latt LD, Gao L, Taljanovic MS, Szivek JA, Guerra JD, Klewer JA, Witte RS. In vivo Ultrasound Elasticity Imaging Differentiates Healthy From Diseased Tendons. Abstract accepted Nov 4, 2015 as Paper Presentation. Orthopaedic Research Society 2016 Annual Meeting, March 5-8, 2016. Orlando, FL.
Local - Peer Reviewed Scientific Poster Presentations
1. Latt LD, Yuan J. Non-Invasive Quantification of Posterior Tibial Tendon Stiffness using Ultrasound Elastography. Frontiers in Biomedical Research. November 2, 2011. Arizona Health Sciences Center, Tucson, Arizona.
2. Nicolini A, Latt LD. New System for Holding Cadaver Limbs for Arthroscopy Surgery Laboratories. Biomedical Engineering Design Day. October 30, 2012. University of Arizona College of Engineering, Tucson, Arizona.
3. Nicolini A, Latt LD. New System for Holding Cadaver Limbs for Arthroscopy Surgery Laboratories. Frontiers in Biomedical Research. November 7, 2012. Arizona Health Sciences Center, Tucson, Arizona.
4. Christopher M, Dezfuli B, Jones T, Latt LD. A Cadaveric Model of Trochlear Dysplasia. In vivo modeling of trochlear dysplasia using cadavers to create and illustrate pathology. Frontiers in Biomedical Research. November 7, 2012. Arizona Health Sciences Center, Tucson, Arizona.
5. McGlone S, Latt LD. Comparison of Three Techniques for the Quantification of Hindfoot Alignment. Frontiers in Biomedical Research. October 30, 2013. Arizona Health Sciences Center, Tucson, Arizona.
6. Monreal J, Latt LD. Impact of Electronic Medical Record Implementation on Orthopaedic Clinic Workflow. Frontiers in Biomedical Research. October 30, 2013. Arizona Health Sciences Center, Tucson, Arizona.
Local - Invited Scientific Podium Presentations
1. The effect of graft height mismatch on ankle joint contact pressures. The University of Arizona Biomedical Engineering Data Blitz, September 27, 2010. Tucson, Arizona.
2. Ultrasound Elastography: A Novel Approach to Decision-making in the Treatment of Posterior Tibial Tendon. University of Arizona Department of Orthopaedic Surgery First Annual Alumni Educational Conference, November 5, 2011. Tucson, Arizona.
Local - Invited Lay Presentations
1. The road is long – Training for a career as a clinician-scientist. The University of Arizona Physiology Club, Feb 22, 2010. Tucson, Arizona.
2. The high ankle sprain. Tucson Orthopaedic Study Group, Feb 23, 2010. Tucson, Arizona.
3. Ankle replacement surgery. Fort Huachuca Hospital, May 27, 2010. Sierra Vista, Arizona.
4. The road is long – Training for a career as a clinician-scientist. The University of Arizona Physiology Club, September 27, 2010. Tucson, Arizona.
5. Overuse injuries in cycling: the role of proper bike fit and training. University Medical Center El Tour de Tucson Training Seminar Series, October 3, 2010. Arizona Cancer Center, Tucson, Arizona.
6. A career in academic medicine. The Princeton Review and Alpha Epsilon Delta’s Annual Pre-Health Kick Start, October 19, 2010.Tucson, Arizona.
7. Overuse injuries in cycling: the role of proper bike fit and training. University Medical Center El Tour de Tucson Training Seminar Series, October 31, 2010. Arizona Cancer Center, Tucson, Arizona.
8. Got Ankle Arthritis? We’ve Got Alternatives. UAAC Living Healthy with Arthritis Lecture Series. January 21, 2012. The University of Arizona Health Sciences Center. Tucson, Arizona.
9. The University of Arizona Health Sciences Center, Orthopaedic Surgery Medical Student Interest Group. February 22, 2012. Tucson, Arizona.
10. Got Ankle Arthritis? We’ve Got Alternatives. UAAC Living Healthy with Arthritis Lecture Series. November 29, 2012. Canoa Hills Recreation Center, Green Valley, Arizona.
11. Degenerative Disorders of the Hindfoot. UAAC Living Healthy with Arthritis Lecture Series. September 4, 2013. The University of Arizona Health Sciences Center, Tucson, Arizona.
Local - Grand Rounds
1. The treatment of Jones fractures – A model of translational research. University of Arizona Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Conference, March 22, 2010, Tucson, Arizona.
2. The use of circular external fixation in the treatment of foot and ankle disorders. The University of Arizona Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Conference, July 21, 2010, Tucson, Arizona.
3. Hallux Valgus. The University of Arizona Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Conference, September 29, 2010, Tucson, Arizona.
4. Commonly missed foot and ankle disorders. University of Arizona Emergency Medicine Conference, January 25, 2011, Tucson, Arizona.
5. Overview of achilles tendon disorders. University of Arizona Sports Medicine Lecture Series, February 11, 2011, Tucson, Arizona.
6. Ankle sprains and related disorders. The University of Arizona Primary Care Sports Medicine Lecture Series, February 28, 2011, Tucson, Arizona.
7. Orthoses-what you need to know. The University of Arizona Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Conference, March 9, 2011, Tucson, Arizona.
8. Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus. The University of Arizona Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Conference, August 24, 2011, Tucson, Arizona.
9. Ankle Instability. The University of Arizona Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Conference, February 22, 2012, Tucson, Arizona.
10. Total Ankle Arthroplasty. Rheumatology Conference, University of Arizona Arthritis Center, March 23, 2012, Tucson, Arizona.
11. Orthopaedic Emergencies. The University of Arizona Department of Emergency Medicine Conference, August 15, 2012, Tucson, Arizona.
12. Halux Valgus: Options for Surgical Treatment. The University of Arizona Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Conference, September 25, 2012, Tucson, Arizona.
13. Osteochondral Lesion of the Talus. Medical Imaging Conference, the University of Arizona, Arizona Cancer Center, April 3, 2013, Tucson, Arizona.
14. Disorders of the Peroneal Tendons: tendonitis, tears and subluxation. The University of Arizona Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Conference, June 12, 2013, Tucson, Arizona.
15. Closed Reduction and Immobilization of Distal Radius Fractures. Department of Emergency Medicine Residents, the University of Arizona – South Campus Hospital, August 14, 2013, Tucson, Arizona.
16. Gait Analysis and Research. The University of Arizona Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Conference, November 13, 2013, Tucson, Arizona.
17. Osteochondral Lesion of the Talus. Citywide Musculoskeletal Imaging Conference. The University of Arizona, Arizona Cancer Center, October 7, 2014. Tucson, Arizona.
18. Management of Distal Radius Fractures. The University of Arizona Department of Emergency Medicine Conference, October 15, 2014, Tucson, Arizona.
19. Syndesmotic Injuries. Citywide Musculoskeletal Imaging Conference. The University of Arizona, Arizona Cancer Center, April 14, 2015, Tucson, Arizona.
20. Osteocondral Lesion of the Talus. The University of Arizona Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Conference, August 19, 2015, Tucson, Arizona.
15. Latt LD. Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Outcomes Research and PROMIS. Podium Presentation. Orthopaedic Research Society, Orthopaedic Evidence and Outcomes Education Organization, March 14, 2014, New Orleans, LA.
16. Latt LD, Holman N, Amir N. Self-Reported Injuries and Treatments in Collegiate Dancers. E-Poster. Annual meeting of the American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society, July 15-18, 2015, Long Beach, CA.
17. McGlone S, Rabadam G, Grewal G, Najafi B, Latt LD. Comparison of Three Techniques for the Quantification of Hindfoot Alignment. E-Poster. Annual meeting of the American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society, July 15-18, 2015, Long Beach, CA.
18. Taljanovic MS, Melville D, Gimber LH, Latt LD, Becker GW, Klauser A. Shear Wave Elastography: Basic Physics and Musculoskeletal Applications. Accepted June 24, 2015 as an Educational Exhibit. Radiologic Society of North America 100th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 29 - December 4, 2015. Chicago, IL.
19. Latt LD, Gao L, Taljanovic MS, Szivek JA, Guerra JD, Klewer JA, Witte RS. In vivo Ultrasound Elasticity Imaging Differentiates Healthy From Diseased Tendons. Abstract accepted Nov 4, 2015 as Paper Presentation. Orthopaedic Research Society 2016 Annual Meeting, March 5-8, 2016. Orlando, FL.
Local - Peer Reviewed Scientific Poster Presentations
1. Latt LD, Yuan J. Non-Invasive Quantification of Posterior Tibial Tendon Stiffness using Ultrasound Elastography. Frontiers in Biomedical Research. November 2, 2011. Arizona Health Sciences Center, Tucson, Arizona.
2. Nicolini A, Latt LD. New System for Holding Cadaver Limbs for Arthroscopy Surgery Laboratories. Biomedical Engineering Design Day. October 30, 2012. University of Arizona College of Engineering, Tucson, Arizona.
3. Nicolini A, Latt LD. New System for Holding Cadaver Limbs for Arthroscopy Surgery Laboratories. Frontiers in Biomedical Research. November 7, 2012. Arizona Health Sciences Center, Tucson, Arizona.
4. Christopher M, Dezfuli B, Jones T, Latt LD. A Cadaveric Model of Trochlear Dysplasia. In vivo modeling of trochlear dysplasia using cadavers to create and illustrate pathology. Frontiers in Biomedical Research. November 7, 2012. Arizona Health Sciences Center, Tucson, Arizona.
5. McGlone S, Latt LD. Comparison of Three Techniques for the Quantification of Hindfoot Alignment. Frontiers in Biomedical Research. October 30, 2013. Arizona Health Sciences Center, Tucson, Arizona.
6. Monreal J, Latt LD. Impact of Electronic Medical Record Implementation on Orthopaedic Clinic Workflow. Frontiers in Biomedical Research. October 30, 2013. Arizona Health Sciences Center, Tucson, Arizona.
Local - Invited Scientific Podium Presentations
1. The effect of graft height mismatch on ankle joint contact pressures. The University of Arizona Biomedical Engineering Data Blitz, September 27, 2010. Tucson, Arizona.
2. Ultrasound Elastography: A Novel Approach to Decision-making in the Treatment of Posterior Tibial Tendon. University of Arizona Department of Orthopaedic Surgery First Annual Alumni Educational Conference, November 5, 2011. Tucson, Arizona.
Local - Invited Lay Presentations
1. The road is long – Training for a career as a clinician-scientist. The University of Arizona Physiology Club, Feb 22, 2010. Tucson, Arizona.
2. The high ankle sprain. Tucson Orthopaedic Study Group, Feb 23, 2010. Tucson, Arizona.
3. Ankle replacement surgery. Fort Huachuca Hospital, May 27, 2010. Sierra Vista, Arizona.
4. The road is long – Training for a career as a clinician-scientist. The University of Arizona Physiology Club, September 27, 2010. Tucson, Arizona.
5. Overuse injuries in cycling: the role of proper bike fit and training. University Medical Center El Tour de Tucson Training Seminar Series, October 3, 2010. Arizona Cancer Center, Tucson, Arizona.
6. A career in academic medicine. The Princeton Review and Alpha Epsilon Delta’s Annual Pre-Health Kick Start, October 19, 2010.Tucson, Arizona.
7. Overuse injuries in cycling: the role of proper bike fit and training. University Medical Center El Tour de Tucson Training Seminar Series, October 31, 2010. Arizona Cancer Center, Tucson, Arizona.
8. Got Ankle Arthritis? We’ve Got Alternatives. UAAC Living Healthy with Arthritis Lecture Series. January 21, 2012. The University of Arizona Health Sciences Center. Tucson, Arizona.
9. The University of Arizona Health Sciences Center, Orthopaedic Surgery Medical Student Interest Group. February 22, 2012. Tucson, Arizona.
10. Got Ankle Arthritis? We’ve Got Alternatives. UAAC Living Healthy with Arthritis Lecture Series. November 29, 2012. Canoa Hills Recreation Center, Green Valley, Arizona.
11. Degenerative Disorders of the Hindfoot. UAAC Living Healthy with Arthritis Lecture Series. September 4, 2013. The University of Arizona Health Sciences Center, Tucson, Arizona.
Local - Grand Rounds
1. The treatment of Jones fractures – A model of translational research. University of Arizona Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Conference, March 22, 2010, Tucson, Arizona.
2. The use of circular external fixation in the treatment of foot and ankle disorders. The University of Arizona Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Conference, July 21, 2010, Tucson, Arizona.
3. Hallux Valgus. The University of Arizona Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Conference, September 29, 2010, Tucson, Arizona.
4. Commonly missed foot and ankle disorders. University of Arizona Emergency Medicine Conference, January 25, 2011, Tucson, Arizona.
5. Overview of achilles tendon disorders. University of Arizona Sports Medicine Lecture Series, February 11, 2011, Tucson, Arizona.
6. Ankle sprains and related disorders. The University of Arizona Primary Care Sports Medicine Lecture Series, February 28, 2011, Tucson, Arizona.
7. Orthoses-what you need to know. The University of Arizona Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Conference, March 9, 2011, Tucson, Arizona.
8. Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus. The University of Arizona Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Conference, August 24, 2011, Tucson, Arizona.
9. Ankle Instability. The University of Arizona Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Conference, February 22, 2012, Tucson, Arizona.
10. Total Ankle Arthroplasty. Rheumatology Conference, University of Arizona Arthritis Center, March 23, 2012, Tucson, Arizona.
11. Orthopaedic Emergencies. The University of Arizona Department of Emergency Medicine Conference, August 15, 2012, Tucson, Arizona.
12. Halux Valgus: Options for Surgical Treatment. The University of Arizona Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Conference, September 25, 2012, Tucson, Arizona.
13. Osteochondral Lesion of the Talus. Medical Imaging Conference, the University of Arizona, Arizona Cancer Center, April 3, 2013, Tucson, Arizona.
14. Disorders of the Peroneal Tendons: tendonitis, tears and subluxation. The University of Arizona Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Conference, June 12, 2013, Tucson, Arizona.
15. Closed Reduction and Immobilization of Distal Radius Fractures. Department of Emergency Medicine Residents, the University of Arizona – South Campus Hospital, August 14, 2013, Tucson, Arizona.
16. Gait Analysis and Research. The University of Arizona Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Conference, November 13, 2013, Tucson, Arizona.
17. Osteochondral Lesion of the Talus. Citywide Musculoskeletal Imaging Conference. The University of Arizona, Arizona Cancer Center, October 7, 2014. Tucson, Arizona.
18. Management of Distal Radius Fractures. The University of Arizona Department of Emergency Medicine Conference, October 15, 2014, Tucson, Arizona.
19. Syndesmotic Injuries. Citywide Musculoskeletal Imaging Conference. The University of Arizona, Arizona Cancer Center, April 14, 2015, Tucson, Arizona.
20. Osteocondral Lesion of the Talus. The University of Arizona Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Conference, August 19, 2015, Tucson, Arizona.
Jul 2015 Latt LD, Nicolini A, Coffelt M. Percutaneous methods, systems, and devices for positioning a guide wire in a bone. US Patent Application 62/190,117; filed July 8, 2015. Patent Pending.
Sponsored Research Through MSRP:
Justin Yuan ,(MSRP 2011): "The Use of Elastography to Quantify Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction"
Michael Christopher, (MSRP 2012): "The Development of a Cadaveric Model for Trochlear Dysplasia"
Daniel Casey, (MSRP 2014): "The Effects of Malrotation on Ankle Joint Contract Pressures"
Dallin Christensen, (MSRP 2015): "The Effectiveness of Intense Therapeutic Ultrasound in the Management of Patients with Chronic Plantar Fasciitis"
Jacob Klewer, (MSRP 2015): "Functional Imaging of the Posterior Tibial Tendon"
Alex Lim, (MSRP 2016): "Shear Wave Elasticity Imaging on Evaluating Lateral Ankle Ligaments"
James Onwuzurike, (MSRP 2016): "Ankle Joint Contact Pressures in Syndesmotic Malreduction Fixed with Sutures Compared to Screws"
Alfonso Ayala, (MSRP 2017): "Effects of Talar External Rotation on Tibiotalar Joint Contact Area and Pressure Distribution"
Brooks Johnson, (MSRP 2018): "Viscoelastic Properties of Hindfoot Bones"
Amanda Rugg, (MSRP 2019): "Quantification of Compression Maintenance using a Lag Screw for Hindfoot Arthrodesis"
Brianna Goodison, (MSRP 2019): "The Effect of Talar External Rotation on Tibiotalar
Joint Contact Area and Pressure"
Joint Contact Area and Pressure"
William Estes, (MSRP 2020): "Gait Analysis Before and After Rehabilitation in Patients with Posterior Tibial Tendonitis"
Ahmad Safdar, (MSRP 2020): "Comparison between Lag Screws, Fully Threaded Screws, and Dual-Pitch Compression Screws, for the Maintenance of Compression in Hindfoot Arthrodesis"
Nicholas Ambus, (MSRP 2021): "Medium to Long-Term Comparison of Operative Versus Nonoperative Treatment of Adult Acquired Flatfoot"
Yash Suri, (MSRP 2021): "Retrospective comparative study of Non-Union Rates for Isolated Subtalar Arthrodesis vs Subtalar Arthrodesis following Ankle Arthrodesis ."
Noshin Nuzhat, (MSRP 2022): "Comparison of Long-term Patient-Reported Outcomes Measures between Total Ankle Arthroplasty and Cortisone injection for the treatment of ankle osteoarthritis"
Sean Renfree, (MSRP 2022): "Comparison of Osteotomies to Ligament Reconstructions in TheTreatment of Adult Acquired Flexible Flatfoot"
Petar Nicolic (MSRP 2023): "In Vivo Quantitative Analysis of the Material Properties of Arch Supporting Ligaments and Tendons."
Advanced Research Distinction Track (RDT):
Harish Narayanan, (RDT Class of 2014): "Effectiveness of Intense Therapeutic Ultrasound in the Management of Patients with Plantar Fasciitis."
Justin Yuan, (RDT Class of 2014): "The Use of Elastography to Quantify Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction."
Michael Christopher, (RDT Class of 2015): "The Development of a Cadaveric Model for Trochlear Dysplasia."
Samantha McGlone, (RDT Class of 2016): "Comparative Analysis of 3 Methods of Quantifying Hindfoot Angle Measurements."
Daniel Casey, (RDT Class of 2017): "Changes in Ankle Joint Contact Pressures with Achilles Loading."
Michelle Son, (RDT Class of 2019): "Viscoelastic Properties of the Hindfoot Bones."
Alfonso Ayala, (RDT Class of 2020): "Effects of Talar External Rotation on Tibiotalar Joint Contact Area and Pressure Distribution."
Brooks Johnson, (RDT Class of 2021): "Viscoelastic Property of Hindfoot Bone."
Brianna Goodison, (RDT Class of 2022): "The Effect of Talar External Rotation on Tibiotalar Joint Contact Area and Pressure"
Amanda Rugg, (RDT Class of 2022): "Quantification of Compression Maintenance using a Lag Screw for Hindfoot Arthrodesis"
William Estes, (RDT Class of 2023): "Biomechanical Effects of Surgical Reconstruction for Flexible Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity"
Ahmad Safdar, (RDT Class of 2023): "Comparison between Lag Screws, Fully Threaded Screws, and Dual-Pitch Compression Screws, for the Maintenance of Compression in Hindfoot Arthrodesis"
Simeon Smith, (RDT Class of 2023): "In Vivo Quantitative Analysis of the Mechanical Properties of Arch Supporting Ligaments”
Nicholas Ambus, (RDT Class of 2024): "Medium to Long-Term Comparison of Operative Versus Nonoperative Treatment of Adult Acquired Flatfoot"
Yash Suri, (RDT Class of 2024): "Retrospective comparative study of Non-Union Rates for Isolated Subtalar Arthrodesis vs Subtalar Arthrodesis following Ankle Arthrodesis"
NIH Undergraduate Diversity Program:
Kayla Andersen, (BME 2012): "Pedobarographic Assessmento of Surgical Treatment for Subtle Cavovarus Foot Deformity"
Ariana Nicolini, (BME 2012): "Cadaver Limb Clamp for Use in Arthroscopy Labs"
Armand DeForest, (BME 2013): Trochlear Dysplasia"
Mary Coffelt, (BME 2014): Design of a Minimally Invasive Pin Guide for Treating Hip Fractures"
Mia McCallum, (NIH Diversity 2014): "Patient Reported Outcomes (PRPs) and their Use"
Justin Pretzlaff, (BME 2014): "An Extension of the Therapeutic Effects of L-DOPA by Decreasing Dyskinesia in an InVivo Model"
Alicia Alvarez, (NICHD 2020): "Improving Ankle Fusion Surgeries"
NIH High School Student Research Program:
Richard Richards, Pueblo High Magnet School, 2011
Teressa Enriquez, Rio Rico High School, 2013
Maria Cota, Pueblo High School, 2015
Romeo Twaje, Pueblo Magnet High School, 2016
Jesus Lopez, Pueblo Magnet High School, 2017
Anthony Martinez, Desert View High School, 2017
Jaqueline Yepiz, Desert View High School, 2017
Javier Lopez, Tucson High Magnet School, 2018
Alicia Alvarez, Sunnyside High School, 2019
Jesus Toscano Cano, Douglas High School (Douglas, AZ), 2019
Jesus Toscano Cano, Douglas High School (Douglas, AZ), 2019
Jhelsey Cano, Amphitheater High School, 2022
Patrick Pan, Northridge High School (Tuscaloosa, AL), 2022