Julia Heisler Indik, MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine

PO Box 245037
Building: Sarver Heart Center (#201E)
Room #: 5152
Building: Sarver Heart Center (#201E)
Room #: 5152
- Princeton University, June 1982 (A.B., Summa cum laude Astrophysics)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June 1986 (PhD, Physics)\
- University of Arizona College of Medicine, May 1996 (MD)
- University of Arizona, 1996-1999 (Internship and Residency)
- University of Arizona, 1999-2002 (Fellowship, General Cardiology)
- University of Arizona, 2002-2003 (Fellowship, Electrophysiology)
Honors and Awards:
- Best Doctors in America 2007-2008
- American College of Cardiology – Proctor Harvey Teaching Award (awarded at the annual scientific sessions of the American College of Cardiology) March 2007
- Resuscitation Best Abstract Award – American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, AHA Council on Cardiopulmonary, Perioperative and Critical Care – November 2006
- Selected to participate in the American College of Cardiology Foundation Emerging Faculty Program 10/2006
- Named to the Flinn Foundation and American Heart Association Endowed Chair in Electrophysiology 2005
- Charles W. Hall, Jr. Memorial Award for outstanding service on the Coronary Care Unit June 1998
- Arizona Foundation Outstanding Senior Award (awarded to the medical student with the highest academic record) May 1996
- American Medical Women’s Association, Inc. (AMWA) Janet M. Glasgow Memorial Award to the Most Outstanding Female Medical Student May 1996
- Excellence in Research Award as evaluated by the Honors and Awards Committee May 1996
- Eleanor Johnson Academic Excellence Award May 1996
- Jay W. Smith, M.D. Award for Outstanding Students of Medicine May 1996
- Outstanding Academic Achievement in Pathology May 1996
- Alpha Omega Alpha medical honor society (inducted 1995, junior year). President, Arizona AOA chapter 1995-1996
- Letters of Special Commendation for performance in medical school, awarded by the Student Progress Committee, Univ. of Arizona College of Medicine, January 1994, January 1995, and June 1995.
- American Society of Clinical Pathologists’ Award for Academic Excellence and Achievement; awarded April 1994.
- McGraw Hill Award for the most outstanding student in the class of 1995, College of Medicine, University of Arizona, (awarded March 1992).
- Sigma Xi science honor society (elected 1985)
- Phi Beta Kappa (elected 1982)
Major Areas of Research Interest:
- Waveform properties of ventricular fibrillation: This work is in collaboration with Drs. Robert Berg, Karl Kern, Richard Donnerstein, Ricardo Samson and Marc Berg to characterize ventricular fibrillation, with particular attention to the nature of the VF waveform in structural heart disease. I am mentoring Dr. Craig Peters (cardiology fellow) and Justin Feigelman (graduate student) with this research.
- Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy: I am working with Dr. Marcus in image analysis of right ventriculograms. Particular focus is being made on improving analysis of wall motion defects to allow a more accurate assessment of right ventricular dysfunction. In particular this includes quantitative analysis of wall motion to identify subtle wall motion abnormalities. This work is funded by the NIH (Dr. Marcus as principal investigator).
Selected Publications:
Indik, J.H. and Reed, K.L. Variation and Correlation in Human Fetal Umbilical Doppler Velocities with Fetal Breathing: Evidence of the Cardiac-Placental Connection. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol 163: 1792-1796, 1990.
Indik, J.H, Chen, V. and Reed, K.L. Association of Umbilical Venous with Inferior Vena Cava Blood Flow Velocities Obstet. and Gynecol. 77: 551-557, 1991.
Indik, J.H. and Reed, K.L. Umbilical Venous Pulsations can Indicate Problems with Forward Blood Flow Through the Heart. In Fetal Cardiac Function, eds. Arduini, D., Rizzo G. and Romanini, C. (Parthenon Publ., Park Ridge, N.J.) (invited article), 1993.
Indik, J.H. and Reed, K.L. Correlations in Umbilical Blood Flow Doppler Velocities in the Human Fetus During Breathing, Ultrasound in Obstet. Gynecol. 4: 1-6, 1994.
Indik JH, Donnerstein R, Berg R, Hilwig R, Berg M, and Kern K. Ventricular Fibrillation Frequency Characteristics are Altered in Acute Myocardial Infarction. Critical Care Medicine 35:1133-8, 2007.
Wichter T, Indik J, Daliento L: Diagnostic Role of Angiography. In Marcus FI, Nava A, Thiene G (eds). Arrhythmogenic RV Cardiomyopathy/Dysplasia. Milan: Springer Verlag, pp 147-158. (Invited book chapter), 2007.
Indik, J, Wichter T, Gear K, Dallas W, and Marcus F. Quantitative Assessment of Angiographic Right Ventricular Wall Motion in Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia/Cardiomyopathy (ARVD/C). J Cardiovasc Electrophys. (Epub ahead of print), 2007.
Marcus FI, Sorrell V, Zanetti J, Bosnos M. Baweja G, Perlick D., Ott P, Indik J, He DS, Gear K. Accelerometer-derived time intervals during various pacing modes in patients with biventricular pacemakers: comparison with normals. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 30: 1476-81, 2007.
Sponsored Research Through MSRP:
Amanda Valles, (MSRP 2009): "Influence of myocardial substrate upon the ventricular fibrillation waveform to predict the success of defibrilation."; (MSRP 2012): "Wave Form Characteristics to Predict Defibrillation in out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest"
Zacherie Conover, (MSRP 2012): "A Swine Model for Ventricular Fibrillation Waveform Analysis and End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide Measurement to Develop a New CPR Algorithm."
Advanced Research Distinction Track (RDT):
Amanda Valles, (RDT Class of 2012): "Wave Form Characteristics to Predict Defibrillation in out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest"