Hsaio-Hui "Sherry" Chow, PhD
(retired) Research Scientist, Cancer Center Division
Associate - Research Scholar
Associate - Research Scholar

Leon Levy- Cancer Center 4977;
P. O. Box: 245024,
Tucson, AZ 85724-5024
P. O. Box: 245024,
Tucson, AZ 85724-5024
(520) 626-3358
Additional Contact Info:
Fax: (520) 626-9275
- State University of New York, Buffalo, NY, 1988 (Ph.D., Pharmaceutics)
Honors and Awards:
- David Bruce Dill Award in Environmental Physiology-Abbott Diagnostics Division Certificate of Achievement
- Fellow, American Institute of Chemists
- Editor, Life Sciences and Pharmacology Letters
- Several Travel Awards to International Meetings
Major Areas of Research Interest:
Dr. Chow’s laboratory generally has been involved in the development of analytical methods for various drugs and metabolites, characterization of the disposition kinetics of drugs in the body, identification and understanding of factors that may influence the disposition kinetics and pharmacological responses of xenobiotics, and characterization of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic relationships. Two research projects are: Clinical Study of Green Tea Products Direct Nose-Brain Drug/Peptide Transport
Student Opportunities Through Research:
- Analysis of drugs/carcinogens in biological specimens
- Analysis of endogenous chemicals as biomarks of cancer risk or intervention effects
- Early phase clinical trials of cancer preventative agents
Sponsored Research Through MSRP:
Blake Gibson, 2015; "Ursodeoxycholic Acid in Barrett's Esophagus Patients"
Advanced Research Distinction Track (RDT):
Hillary DeRose, (RDT Class of 2018): "A Prospective, Single-arm, Open-label, Non-randomized, Phase IIA Trial of a Nonavalent Prophylactic HPV Vaccine to Assess Immunogenicity of a Prime and Deferred-booster Dosing Schedule among 9-11 Year-old Girls and Boys"
NIH High School Student Research Program:
Ilham Bashir Hobba, Catalina High Magnet School, 2004
Alvin Rodriguez, 2010